This post will be pure venting, so if you can't deal stop reading now! LOL
I don't know why I am just now getting riled up enough to write about this-- maybe because everything is coming to a head with the termination hearings resuming in less than two weeks and us waiting on an amended tax return?-- but I have actually been meaning to post about it for over a month now, if only to make other foster parents who may read this blog someday aware of their rights when it comes to filing taxes.
Okay so venting first: Mara's birth mom claimed her on her taxes for 2008! Even though she has been in foster care since late 2007! Mara has been in our home continuously since October 12, 2007-- and we have received a stipend from DHS for her care throughout that time. That stipend is proof (as far as the IRS is concerned) that she has been solely our financial responsibility, with a stipend for foster care provided to us (they call it reimbursement, not payment or salary) and Medicaid benefits.
This all came to light when the other foster mother asked Mike if we had claimed Mara. He said no, we were told by our agency not to since we get a stipend we do not have to claim her. Well, whoever told us that (in our CORE classes or some other training?) was not entirely forthcoming since it is apparently our right to claim her as a dependent and take the deduction. Especially since we are planning to adopt her, and since that plan includes putting money aside for any expenses that may be incurred in the process (even if those expenses only end up including new dresses, suits and shoes for all the day we go before the judge to finalize the adoption!).
So Mike contacted the DHS Case Worker and sure enough, he said he would get us a letter for the IRS stating that Mara had been in or care since 10.12.2007 and throughout 2008. It took a while to actually get the letter, but as soon as Mike had it he filed an amended tax return and we are gong to get back something like $2,500 more for claiming her. In my opinion, that amount of money is nothing to sneeze at for those of us who get by from paycheck to paycheck; and the agencies who discourage foster parents form claiming the kids in their home are doing a serious disservice to people who get by on chump change. In fact, I feel like it's almost criminal, and that the agencies who instruct parents not to claim children in foster care ought to be penalized for interfering with the tax system and possibly contributing to financial hardship for foster parents.
Long story wrap-up: we're still waiting on the amended return, it's been processed but who knows how long it will take for the check to be direct-deposited. Of course, I could really use the money now to buy Mother's Day gifts for my FOUR moms! No relly I have four moms. My Mom, Mom Farris, Mom Christiansen, and Mom Bernard. Then there is my Grandmother and all of my sisters who are mothers now, my cousin Kelly who we will be staying with on Mother's Day, plus our minister Jan who is a mother figure to me, and Mara's birth mom who is going to have a very rough Mother's Day this year (although not nearly as rough as I imagine next year will be). Instead I am making my own cards using my Close To My Heart scrapping and stamping supplies. I learned how to make greeting cards this year and I now have all of the instructions, papers, fancy edgers, stamps, ink and little embellishments to actually do them!
If money were no object-- I.e. I had that amended return in the bank and Mike didn't have all sorts of plans for it already-- I would create for each of my moms a gift basket from Denham's Naturals. The lotions and soaps are so luxurious yet pure-- and who doesn't need a new lotion or soap this time of year? Oh and body scrubs! Pumice stones! And that oil that makes ones feet look instantly polished for sandal-wearing! (I think it's emu oil, but sweet almond oil will work, too). And I would include a roll-on essential oil perfume....the only way to smell good in the heat of Summer...plus a loofah or sea sponge or both...maybe a small dry skin brush, LOL!
This year my presents will have to be my presence.
I still do not have permission to travel with Mara. Turns out the Case Worker is out 'til May 11! So I am officially FREAKING OUT. I'll blog that after I call half of DHS and the GAL, going over the head of a silly man who is probably skiing right now!
1 comment:
I have now informed everyone of our travel plans and that seems to be good enough!
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