Tomorrow was sooo sick yesterday! It was awful. She had diarrhea all day, and it was the most noxious-smelling stuff ever (Makenzie's Mommy got to hear me changing a diaper-- I would have used a gas mask if I had one!) and it is very unusual for her to have a loose stool, let alone watery. Okay, GROSS. I'm sorry. I will stop now. Someday when my kids read this blog, Tomorrow will be so mad at me...and when I think of them reading it in the future, I imagine that they will view it as a hologram like in STAR WARS, you know when Princess Leia has that message for Obi Wan Kenobi?...but I promise not to post any pix of poop or vomit, just the sweetness...
NEway, the diarrhea was punctuated by copious amounts of vomit the first round of which went all over her and me, in my new brown dress. She even got some in her hair and on my face. Nastiest vomit scene ever for me! I stripped us both down and put our pukey clothes in the sink, and upstairs we went for a rinse and a soak. We had such a relaxing time that she fell asleep when I was toweling her dry, so I swaddled her in another towel and put her to sleep in her crib diaperless. And guess what? She stayed dry for her entire nap! I was Facebooking across the hall on the laptop while the boys watched The tale of Despereaux, and suddenly I looked up to see a little naked girl in the doorway! She waved and said, "Hi Mom." TOOO CUTE!!!!
Staying dry for naps (and then at nighttime) is the first sign of readiness for potty training, so since she is doing that and occasionaly making it to the potty, I think we are well on our way with her! It will be nice since DS1 is still not there yet. I used to think I had to have him trained completely before I could start with Tomorrow, but as with so many things in parenting I have been shown that I need to help train each child individually according to his or her ability, and they will show me for what they ready!
But back to the bodily fluids: I am not sure if it is a virus or if it was something we ate. WE did have some Thai leftovers on Monday, and it was tofu and veggies in a peanut sauce. Tomorrow has had peanuts before, and peanut butter, so I do not think it was the peanuts per se but perhaps the food was not quite safe as we had ordered it when The Bernards were here the Wednesday before. SO that was five days later, but it was the leftovers that were in a tupperware type container, well-sealed with a tight-fitting lid (and it's a nice reusable container too for sauces or soups so I will be sure to order that dish again next time-- what was it called again, Jen?)
Okay my new rule is that when I begin rambling off the title subject it is time to wrap up the post so thanks for veering with me but I will stop now. I just had a thought: WEEBLES WOBBLE BUT THEY DON'T FALL DOWN! Remember Weeble Wobbles??
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