Not as catchy as Happy Birthday, but oh well...LOL...
Yesterday was officially one year and a half that Princess Tomorrow has been with our family! Sure, we're disappointed that her parental rights have not yet been terminated but we're mostly just GLAD she is still with us, where we can keep her safe and watch her growing up. She has truly, deeply blessed our family and been so much fun to have in our lives.
She is talking SOOO MUCH lately! Her newest words are "chicken" and "bunny" and she is trying to say Hammy's real name! She usually calls "mee mum" and Moose "meh muh" (yes, I really can tell a difference in those!) but just tonight she started saying "lee lee" which is almost his name! It is so sweet. She is so attached to her brothers, she cannot bear to be separated from them. Even if it is just because they want to go to their room and play with Geo Trax or LEGOS away from her, or like when they left yesterday before we did with their dad in his new SUV to be on time to the party/reunion on Easter; she is nearly inconsolable any time she is forced to be in a separate room or vehicle! This is why I am thinking for the next two court dates she needs to be with them, whether it is here or somewhere else. Makenzie's Mommy has offered to watch all three of the kids together! What an offer! It would be nice to not need two sitters. It would definitely cut the checking in/debriefing times in half, as well as save precious time on what will already be two very long days.
Anyway, before my robot brain begins permutating all of the calculations involved in planning where they will all go to college in order to be close yet still specialize in their various fields of interest, I will wrap this up by saying that one thing I was not prepared for was the UNPLANNED JOY of watching our sons be such completely devoted foster siblings. I was ready for envy, jealousy and resentment...instead I have witnessed acceptance, devotion and loyalty. Hammy and Moose are fiercely protective older brothers to Tomorrow. I can only hope we are modeling that devotion for all of them. Children learn what they live-- or is it that they live what they learn? I guess it's both. I'm glad this fostering experience has mostly enriched our family and not put too severe of a strain on it. I'm sure fostering has been wildly different for other families. Perhaps our situation has been mostly positive because it has felt like a calling to me and come easy for us? As if it was meant to be.
May we all be less afraid to answer the call of that still small voice inside.
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