Thursday, November 20, 2008

A year, a month, a week, and a day since we picked her up from the hospital.

But who's counting?

No wonder that is my favorite blanket of hers, it is the one she was wrapped in whenever I first met her. That was like unwrapping a gift from God.

There was another one that was really soft fleece in pink and white gingham print with a butterfly and the words "Baby Girl" embroidered on it. We took her to a visit wrapped in it, and she came back to us in another blanket that wasn't nearly as soft or pretty but was handmade. I figured the Baby Girl blanket had been soiled and that the bio mom was going to wash it and return it to me at the next visit. But when I asked her about it at the next visit, she said, "OH NO, I burnt that nasty blanket! It was EVIL." Apparently, it was the blanket that she had taken her to the hospital in. I suppose it's best that she burnt it already, as she saved me the trouble.

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