Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Show me the money

This just in: Foster parents paid less than actual cost of raising a child. (WHAT THE #&@%?!)

Most states reimburse foster parents significantly less than the actual cost of raising a foster child, complicating the task of finding good homes for children who need them, according to a first-of-its-kind survey.


Which reminds me of the time when one of my (well-meaning) relatives, who shall remain unidentified, wrote to me that she hoped we weren't going to become foster parents "for the money" because we are "far too generous to make any money at it". That was the best and worst of compliments, and I didn't even know where to start with replying to her concern. I know it was coing from a good place but it rubbed e thewrong way, maybe because I did initially wonder if foster-adopting could be a way I could continue to stay home with our boys as a Homemaker/Home Educator, *and* a way we could grow our family without incurring more expenses which we cannot afford on one income.

Most people say, "Oh you are so kind! I could never do that. Blah blah blah..." (more later)

One of the major reasons for choosing to foster-adopt rather than adopt privately *is* because of "the money". Alas, it is the lack of money, and not the promise of it, that is our motivation. In other words, we cannot afford a private adoption. Foster-adoption is the only viable option for growing our family at this time, and it is not a decision we came to quickly, nor was it a decision we made without much thought that included several calculations (of both time *and* money).

Still, articles like the one above does give me pause and probably puts Mike on edge a bit. We both know how to budget and stretch a dollar, and we've made do with far less stuff than most people think is required for a baby; yet it is difficult to know if the stipend we receive will cover our costs until we are in the throes of the diaper-changing, formula-feeding and appointments.

So far we have been blessed with a gift of many lovely items of girls clothing in great shape and in sizes ranging from newborn to 4T and other baby items from a very dear friend and La Leche League Co-Leader. A couple of other people have told us they have clothes for us, too, and will probably give it to us whenever a baby is placed with us. Plus, we already frequent the local secondhand stores (Kid to Kid in Aurora gives foster parents 10% off everything!), and we also enjoy the hunt of finding items at garage sales and online via eBay, craigslist, and Freecycle.

At any rate, we will make it work! Besides, "I don't care too much for money,

Money can't buy me love".

~A Bargaining Momma

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