Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee...

Okay, so I'm tired...but that song just popped in my head when I was trying to think of a title.

The jokes are flying around here as usual, in the midst of some sadness. I am *almost* all cried out after a long, emotional day of phone calls with our Placement Coordinator, a Caseworker for Denver County, a Social Worker from Children's Hospital, various family members, and four different people at work and then meeting with nurses and a doctor caring for the baby...

I got a call today from our Placement Coordinator (they are not kidding when they say to be prepared once you're licensed, because some placements occur very quickly) about a little girl who is at the brand new Children's Hospital in a full body cast with twenty-four broken bones. Originally, he had said she was five months old. It turns out she is five WEEKS old. My brain literally hurts from trying to wrap my mind around the situation that would compel a person to break (and with what?!) the ribs and legs of a tiny, sweet, beautiful baby girl. My spirit weeps.

We visited her tonight. We got there right when she was due to wake up and eat so I got to hold her, feed her, burp her, and kiss her. It was weird to give a baby a bottle of formula. She is on Similac Advanced and it stinks. It makes her burp and fart a lot. She nuzzled my neck and I had to remind myself three times not to latch her on! I changed her stinky diaper (yet another reason to breastfeed! the poop smells better- sometimes even like hummus or eggs and rice!) and she to have her diaper changed. I told her not to worry, as we have a wipes warmer and cloth dipes at home.
We'll see what I can do about the formula.

Mike and Hammy held her, too, and she flirted with them both. I so wish I had shot some video!

Did I mention we are bringing her home tomorrow? TOMORROW!! It's all happening so fast.

My sister is coming in the morning to watch Moose. It works out well as Friday is Hammy's day to go to the one day a week Options for homeschoolers kindergarten, but he is threatening not to go. I am trying to convince him to go so he can show off his framed photo of his other aunt but mostly I just need him to go so my sister will only have to watch Moose. I don't really care if Hammy doesn't want to go anymore after that. He complains about the kids who bully/do the boy-girl thing and his behavior toward his brother is changing.

Mike took a week off from work. He's always great about doing that. He took 5 weeks off with our first baby who ended up coming into the world via Cesarean surgery; 3 weeks for our second who was born at home with a midwife; and 1 week for a foster baby who is 5.5 weeks old...yeah, the math is good! So, with weekends, he is off for 10 days. It will be wonderful to have him here, and to know that one of us will be there for the boys at all times during what is bound to be a wild ride either way.

That's all I have the time for right now. I will try to post as often as I can from here on out!

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