Princess Tomorrow's Daddy (I need to think of a good nickname for him before I make my blog public again) said today was "the best Father's Day ever". Hard to believe since I did very little to prepare for it, and in fact didn't get him a gift until last night when I put together a Snapfish Photobook with photos of him with the kids and two family photos for the front and back covers. We didn't make cards and didn't even buy any until today, and that was after brunch, too. But we've been so busy with the garden and had lots of bad carma* (I meant to spell it that way) so I wasn't sure we would have any money to spare with our upcoming trip to Missouri for a reunion at Two County Ranch.
We started out the day just lazing around, and since DH usually makes breakfast on the weekends, it's sort of like Mother's Day probably is in most homes. It goes a little something like this: Well, Dad usually cooks us breakfast but it's Father's Day so we can't ask Dad to make us pancakes, and Mom always burns them (and/or makes healthy ones that taste horrible) so I KNOW, LET'S GO OUT FOR BREAKFAST!
So we decided very spontaneously to go to brunch at Gunther Toody's. Gunther Toody's is a fifties themed diner that's similar to Ed Debevic's in Chicago. There is no website or I would beam you up. The reviews at Yelp are awful. I registered and will write a review in the morning after I've had coffee! The food is not the greatest but where else can you go with three kids who can sit still for about five minutes? And it's perfect if all you want out of the deal is some hot pancakes with cranberry juice, and maybe a side of eggs. I had the whole wheat banana walnut pancakes and they were delish so I don't see what the fuss is about with the negative reviews on Yelp. Who would expect a gourmet meal and stellar service from a place called Gunther Toody's anyway? It totally looks exactly like a cheesy, stereotypical 50's diner from the front so maybe people ought to check their haughty Denverite attitudes at the front doors with the shiny chrome handles or go to Root Down or somewhere more snooty. Our kids ate their M&M pancakes (seriously, we let them eat stuff like that and they still live) and they ate them in almost total silence. They even asked us if they had to eat them all (of course not). Then they had a blast hula-hooping and playing video games with their Daddy-o. What is not to love? And it was fairly cheap, too.
After brunch, we went to REI in Denver for a tent. Then DH went to see Star Trek at the Movie Tavern (where tickets are only $5.50 and one can order food with the movie). Then we had ribs with Baby Ray's barbeque sauce and corn on the grill with baked beans. Dessert was a cookies and cream cake (store bought) after we practiced putting up our new tent. We were going to let the boys sleep in it until we decided the cat could decide to scratch and we don't want it to get damaged before we've even used it.
Next year, I'd like to be able to spend Father's Day with my dad. I talked to him while we were at breakfast, but I felt bad that none of us girls were there with him. We were all just there for Mother's Day, because that was when a "Celebration of Life" for a new baby niece and one year-old nephew was planned, but we completely forgot about Father's Day. I think next year it would be great if we could all be in KC and the boys and dads could go to a game with Grandpa or something like that. Hammy and Moose think that sounds "really cool".
All in all, it was a fun Father's Day. I am so fortunate that our children have a loving father who puts family first and who cooks, does dishes and laundry, as well as plays with them and reads to them. He didn't have the best role model for a father-- and maybe that is why he is such a great dad, in spite of his own-- but he is definitely setting the bar high for our boys and girl. I don't know another father who is so involved with his kids and so helpful to his wife. I think we need to have more days like today, where he gets a break and gets to be a 50's TV dad, if only for a while. Who knows? I may even put an apron and bake him a casserole one day soon.
*Someone backed into our minivan in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart last Sunday. The body work would be $1500 but we are going to take the check from her insurance company (she got a ticket for "Reckless Backing") so that we can use it to fix DH's SUV that has misfiring cylinders. Meanwhile, the transmission is going out in our minivan so it seems silly to make cosmetic repairs (and be able to open the passenger side door) if we can't even drive it in the very near future.
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