Two days after we were licensed as a Therapeutic Foster Family, we brought "Princess Tomorrow" home from the hospital with twenty-four fractures when she was only five and a half weeks old. Her parental rights were terminated on June 11, 2009 and she was adopted on June 16, 2010. We also have two sons, "Hammy" and "Moose".
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Happy Days
Which are most of the days. I just come here to vent. It is purely cathartic for me. And I have to get it all out because I know all too well that depression = anger turned inward.
This is daily...
Smooshie took this one. She is sucking on my chin! Falling asleep on the nipple. They all do it. Smiling in her sleep. It's hard to put that cuteness in the crib! Asleep on Mount Momma.
What's the latest on your situation? I have been following your blog and am curious to know, especially since I am starting foster care classes in a couple weeks.
Congratulations as you embark on this journey! I hope that your classes go well.
I also hope that what I write does not discourage you. If I could change anything, I wouldn't change a thing. At the end of the day, even if I am exhausted from "raising someone else's baby" (my most frequent pity party) I am truly honored to be caring for Mara, and I will roll with punches.
Next time (if there is a next time as I clearly have some serious ego work to do), I would only take a baby who is legal risk or has already had their parental rights terminated, but that's just me, ad YMMV (your mileage may vary).
Please feel free to post any questions you may have as you go through your classes and I will try to answer them, although I am a newbie and there are far better foster blogs out there than mine!
What's the latest on your situation? I have been following your blog and am curious to know, especially since I am starting foster care classes in a couple weeks.
Dear Anonymous Reader,
Congratulations as you embark on this journey! I hope that your classes go well.
I also hope that what I write does not discourage you. If I could change anything, I wouldn't change a thing. At the end of the day, even if I am exhausted from "raising someone else's baby" (my most frequent pity party) I am truly honored to be caring for Mara, and I will roll with punches.
Next time (if there is a next time as I clearly have some serious ego work to do), I would only take a baby who is legal risk or has already had their parental rights terminated, but that's just me, ad YMMV (your mileage may vary).
Please feel free to post any questions you may have as you go through your classes and I will try to answer them, although I am a newbie and there are far better foster blogs out there than mine!
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