Haha! Not what you were thinking!
MAMS are the bottles we've been using for a couple of months now, ever since I read an article in Mothering magazine about a toxic chemical called Bisphenol A.
Bisphenol A is a synthetic sex hormone that mimics estrogen which has been shown to be able to interfere with babies healthy growth and development.
A recent report, “Baby’s Toxic Bottle: Bisphenol A Leaching from Popular Brands of Baby Bottles,” found that baby bottles leach the toxic chemical BPA when heated. These findings are of great concern as baby bottles are often heated, very warm liquids are often poured into bottles, and bottles are frequently washed in hot water.
Credible laboratory studies demonstrate that BPA causes damage to reproductive, neurological, and immune systems during critical stages of development, such as infancy and in the womb. Levels sufficient to cause harm in animals are less than the average levels reported in people living throughout the developed world. Many scientists now suggest similar damage may be occurring in the human population. We’re concerned that the amount leaching from heated bottles is within the range shown to cause harm in animal studies and is therefore a health concern for infants.
So, after reading the panic-inducing Mothering article, DH googled BPA-free bottles and found bornfree (TM) glass bottles (pricey and unavailable then) and Sassy Baby's MAM (TM) bottles. We opted for the MAMS because they were available, cheaper, not glass and were for sale on Amazon.com where we have some sort of Platinum, free shipping plan enticement.
I like the MAMS but they do leak (kinda like the real ones, heh?) if you don't get the lid screwed on *just so*. Also, the bottom comes off, so that is two places to leak, which is not fun in the middle of the night! DH thinks that makes them easier to clean, and they do fit in our AVENT bottle sanitizer (although it just occurred ot me that it could also contain BPA, so I suppose until I know for sure I ought to stop using it and just wash the bottles by hand in very hot water like in the olden days).
I do plan to buy some of the bornfree glass bottles when I get paid again. I have to admit that at first glass bottles sounded really archaic to me. They sound heavy and dangerous, but I have read that they do not break when dropped (in most cases). Anyway, when I wanted to buy them three months ago, they were sold out, and now they are at TARGET! (http://tinyurl.com/3tdrrd) But "items arrive in 2-6 weeks" so the company must still be trying to ramp up heir production to meet what I can only imagine is an overwhelming consumer demand for what used to be a very small market.
As I wrote in the MomsRising petition**, "I AM FURIOUS that corporations have known BPA was a danger but did not care to do a thing about it until consumers were informed. And once you are on my $hitlist, you don't get off of it!"
Avent, Disney/First Years, Dr. Brown’s, Evenflo, Gerber, and Playtex are the evil villians in this case.
Is it any wonder that we are seeing an explosion in autism, with all of the toxins that our children are ingesting (even in breastmilk)? What is a mother to do? If you feel as sick as I did when you find out about the BPA that is in many baby items, please try to remember that we do the best we can with the information we have.
Still, it'd be safest to replace any toxic bottles you have with some BPA-free ones, just in case it is as God-awful as they are saying it is. We bought our MAMS online at Amazon.com and they were only $11.99 for a 3-pack (we bought three 3-packs). DH ordered the "girl" colored bottles so they're yellow with green lids/nipples and purple with pink lids/nipples, but I like to mix them all up (E.g. I mix the yellow bottle with the pink bottom and the green lid) cuz I'm crazy like that and so they are like very brightly-colored, psychedelic Easter eggs.
Okay, that's all for now-- Baby Grrl actually needs a "baba".
* Excerpted from Moms Rising: http://www.momsrising.org/
**Sign a petition to stop toxic baby bottles at:
(I have no idea why html isn't working for my links and I have about had it with eblogger but please bear with me as I really do not feel like moving my blog right now, on the verge of DD walking with a garden to put in! Next Winter I promise I will find a new home for what is bound to get more interesting in the coming year...)