The long-awaited, much-anticipated Christmas photo barrage begins now! I have hundreds from the holidays and have literally taken thousands already with my new camera, so here I will limit myself to pix of Mara and her gifts.
Besides, I can no longer post them anywhere else due to a big to-do about the laws regarding internet confidentiality with regard to posting images of foster children online. It was the top agenda item at our last foster parent association meeting (above trampoline safety and an article about the death of a child who was not being watched by his foster mom and hung himself on a safety net). Suffice to say, we are getting rid of our trampoline (not due to that incident but the horror stories of brain injuries and paralyzation and death that followed). And the agency Director made it very clear that we are not allowed to post photos of foster children on Facebook or MySpace. She also said, "And if you are blogging I want to know about it" (so nobody tell her, okay?!) My blog is extremely private now and as far as I'm concerned it ain't nobody's business! And it's funny, but she didn't say anything about using sites like flickr, photobucket, Picasa, snapfish or YouTube...I know, I'm bad. But I do not see the harm in sharing photos of a beautiful happy child who is thriving in foster care. Who knows, it could even promote foster parenting?
Anyway, here are some highlights from Christmas, while it's still technically Winter.
This is the kitchen Santa brought Mara:
It's from Nova Naturals.
What's going on in here and why didn't someone wake me up?
A bag of pastel Mega Blocks bigger than her!
Daddy, help please?
She walked right past the kitchen without noticing it...
And again, doesn't notice the kitchen...
Look at that pretty ornament!
What's that over there? (she *almost* looked at it that time!)
Oh, some wrapping paper!
Cookies, yum!
Mommy, let's have cookies!
Finally, Moose showed her the kitchen.
She was very interested in it, once she noticed it.
Opening a present from Mrs. Claus while her brothers play with the girlie blocks.
It's from Nova Naturals.
What's going on in here and why didn't someone wake me up?
A bag of pastel Mega Blocks bigger than her!
Daddy, help please?
She walked right past the kitchen without noticing it...
And again, doesn't notice the kitchen...
Look at that pretty ornament!
What's that over there? (she *almost* looked at it that time!)
Oh, some wrapping paper!
Cookies, yum!
Mommy, let's have cookies!
Finally, Moose showed her the kitchen.
She was very interested in it, once she noticed it.
Opening a present from Mrs. Claus while her brothers play with the girlie blocks.
The tree was real and Mara would touch it and giggle!
Mara opening presents (in convenient holiday-themed gift boxes) with a butter knife...
I just wanted a photo of all three chitlins by the tree, is that too much to ask?
Mara touched all the gifts and said, "pitty!" (pretty)
Mara opening presents (in convenient holiday-themed gift boxes) with a butter knife...
I just wanted a photo of all three chitlins by the tree, is that too much to ask?
Mara touched all the gifts and said, "pitty!" (pretty)
1 comment:
thanks for letting me into the family Jessa. She has just gotten byootifuller...
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