I have strep throat. It's really, really, really, really painful and I feel generally awful but I started a "Z-pack" which is a five-day regimen of azythromycin (antibiotics) today. Antibiotics are an absolute must with strep or I would use a remedy from the book Herbal Antibiotics. I haven't had to take antibiotics since just after I had Liam-- so for almost six years. Using a Neti pot cured my "chronic sinusitis" and helps with allergies, too.
It may seem strange that I didn't go to the doctor until today, but it was my first really good opportunity. We left for Missouri last Tuesday, which is when my sore throat started. We took two days to get to Conway, and arrived at about 4 p.m. on the day before Thanksgiving. I thought about going to the ER on Black Friday, but felt a bit better that day so I decided not to go. Then it was on the road again on Saturday and Sunday. It's been a pretty miserable week. You don't realize how often you swallow until you have strep throat.
I just hope:
1. That the kids don't get it,
2. That I didn't give it to anyone in Conway, and
3. That I start to feel better, as the doctor said I might, in 24-48 hours.
That's all for now, and I will post some Thanksgiving pix ASAP.
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