I have to get off the laptop and start bathing all three children so we can get their photo taken with Santa at the Bass Pro Store tonight after Mara's visit...
Seriously, there is an AMAZING Christmas Village at the Bass Pro in Stapleton complete with an old-fashioned electric train set, fake snow everywhere with little wooden tables for doing crafts and writing letters to Santa-- right around the corner from the visit-- and the photo is FREE...
But there is something I really need to get off my chest, that I woke up thinking about...
At the second to last visit, the Case Aide told me, "Mom wants to know if you have some recent pictures." OF COURSE I DO! But why is it my responsibility to provide photos to the woman who cannot bring herself to delve into the reasons why her baby had twenty-four broken bones at only five weeks of age? Why can't she think ahead and bring a disposable camera to the visits (as I have done for her in the past) so that she can take her own pictures with "her" baby?
So here is my evil genius idea: I want to get prints made for her of all the photos of Mara in her body cast and harness, the ones of her crying, and of her legs when they still looked deformed, and of what I know now were deep bruises even though she also has Mongolian spots.
My second more rational idea is to only give her pics of Mara WITH US (her FAMILY).
Would both be wrong? Or would they send a clear message?
I know a few of you read this, so tell me what you think.
Please be honest, I CAN TAKE IT.
Feel free to reply off the blog.
My two cents (or perhaps two dollars, as I assume my opinion carries a little more weight than the general public):
Sending along pictures of Mara with her injuries, cast, etc. could be seen as a malicious act, and maybe something that could count against us in the adoption arena (probably not, but you never know).
Instead, send pictures of her being held by as many different family members as you can find, reinforcing how much she is loved and how happy she is with our family.
If by some cruel twist of fate, they reunite her with mom, THEN you pack the photo album with all her injury pics in the diaper bag that you hand over.
I know you're right, and this is why I run everything by you with your logical filter-- and of course your opinion holds more weight than the general public! (They don't get to read this anyway, only about ten family members do-- I even removed all friends from the list of readers for now).
I pray that we never have to pack that bag.
I'm with Mike.
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