Daddy & Jessica 2 years old
Daddy, Jessica & Richard in California, 1975
Our anniversary wasn't on August 15th this year. It was on "One month until the Permanency Planning Hearing".
We had an early date, on the Monday of the week of our anniversary, because Mara had a two and a half hour visit (that could be it's own blog post-- I'll title it "Visits Schmisits"). We ate at Outback, and we hadn't eaten there for years-- not since we lived in St. Louis!-- so that was nice. Then we went to the outdoor Stapleton Mall and got dessert at Coldstone Creamery, which we savored in peace (no drips to manage or faces and fingers to wipe except our own!) while walking around. We planned our next dinner date for the Islamorada Fish Company, inside of the ginormous Bass Pro complex (There is a Starbucks in it, too! It's crazy!) and decided to bring the boys to Bass Pro during the next visit. It's getting harder to fill the hour and a half of Mara's visits with something fun to do but we try.
So I figured, we had a nice dinner date for our anniversary, next year we'll do something more extravagant since it will be our 10th. We had talked about asking Jen and Brandon to watch the boys overnight, and putting Mara in respite care so we could get away and stay at a lodge in Manitou Springs or Woodland Park for a night, but when it came down to it it just didn't work out on many levels. I was bummed that we couldn't even go camping that Friday, because all the tent sites at Cherry Creek State Park were all taken. We decided to get Olive Garden to go, and Mike surprised me with tiramisu that I didn't order but relished. Then he gave me a box from Hannoush Jewelers and it was the pendant that he'd had custom made years ago out of my diamond wedding ring, which he FINALLY had a jeweler put on a chain! I couldn't find a chain whose clasp could pass through it so he had to have one taken apart and then put back together. Of course now I have decided that, since I am not working as a Massage Therapist, I want the rock put back into a classic princess setting that I can wear on my ring finger where my wedding ring belongs.
All in all, it was a sweet anniversary. Perhaps not as romantic as others, but still full of love and thoughtfulness. The important thing is that we have endured nine years of matrimony, love grinches and all, and actually want to share more.
Trying on the veil

My big hair for The Big Day

The Just Married Fees in A.P. Green Chapel

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