Last Thursday was Tomorrow's two month well-baby visit at the Child Health Clinic at Children's Hospital of Aurora. She weighed in at 10 lbs. & 6 oz. {still 2 oz. less than Moose was at birth!} and 22 and 1/4" long. I forget her head circumference but she is right on track for her size!
The resident who we usually see had been called in the night before so our doctor was an attending/director who had done foster care in southern California before becoming an MD. She was so kind and helpful, fetching a couple of those great hospital receiving blankets {we had one that we were forever washing!} and showing me how to combine swaddling with the colic hold, which she called "side swaddling". She said it really helps with inconsolable babies {and it HAS helped during Tomorrow's fits}.
After waxing formulaic for a bit, she said that she thinks Tomorrow could have a fairly severe cow's milk/soy allergy, and wrote an order for Nutramagen {sp?} which I can get from WIC as it is $30 a can. We'll see if it helps. I have made several formula jokes {E.g. The Similac Sensitive can reads "For Fussiness and Gas" and it's truth in advertising: if you want your baby to have fussiness and gas, feed her Similac Sensitive!} but it really isn't funny.
That's all for now, Miss Chatty wants my attention!
1 comment:
Enfamil's Nutramigen is insanely expensive but it is the only kind she does well on. It is also worth going to WIC for, as it is $94.74 for four cans of the stuff at King Soopers, or $150 a case at Sam's Club. I don't like some of the advice WIC gives- especially with regard to starting solids- but the checks help. The less of her money I spend on formula, the more I can spend on baby carriers, clothes, soft-soled leather shoes and wooden teethers and toys! :>D
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