Friday, April 06, 2007

Getting down to the CORE of foster parenting

Mike and I have had something come up every.single.time. we were supposed to attend a CORE training class for the foster-adopt program. Illness, injury, and other plans have gotten in the way for two months now. I'm supposed to go to CORE training tomorrow and I have done something to my neck- I think I slept on it wrong- so I am debating whether or not to go again tomorrow. I could send Mike but then I would have to suffer through another day of "Mommy can't play, bend over or get up and down quickly" which doesn't seem fair to the kids.

And I am going first because Mike is chicken, bok bok bok. He says it's because if he goes first I will just grill him for details of the training and it will be like going through it twice, but I think it is because he needs me to go first because I am a classic firstborn and he is a classic middle.

I want to share our home with a daughter, so I want to move forward in this process, and thus I will probably suck it up and go tomorrow even if my neck is still hurting like it is today. I can always slap on a pain patch and take acetaminophen, ibuprofen *and* naproxen sodium...

I wonder what CORE stands for?

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