Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's Only The Beginning

of what I want to feel forever...

We finally turned in our bulging file folder of paperwork. We picked up the forms on Halloween (I told the Social Worker we don't normally all dress in black, just me) so let's took us about two months just to get our paperwork filled out. We may be subconsciously stalling for time, for better days when Smooshie isn't two and a half. At any rate, we've lept over the first hurdle in style and now we wait.

It's like waiting to hear that the blood test is positive only we aren't having a baby, but a child.

Sometimes I can't sleep because I am thinking about how strange it will be to have a child living with us without her parents and who is already potty-trained, sleeping through the night, dressing herself and probably capable of making not only her own PB&J sandwich but a couple for our boys, too.

It's weird.




And I have heartburn.

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