Last night, after my husband got home we hooked our bike trailers up to our bikes, strapped the boys in to their respective spaceships- avec helmets of course- and handed each a baggie of four of miniature candy bars. As the sun was setting in our neck of Suburbia, we pedaled gently toward a neighborhood park that has not a single hill between its domain and ours. Said park has a lamppost- the old timey kind- and it was a full moon or close anyway, so there was plenty of light.
Eldest Son collected seed pods, "to take home and make poddery out of" and we had a little talk about pods, clay, and pottery. The English language can be so confusing!
Baby Son, who isn't a baby at all anymore- nay, not even a toddler- got hit in the face by a swing when his own father carelessly let it go behind him, and that wa when we left.
We went home, packed the bikes into the garage- one on each side of the van so we can hopefully use them more this weekend- packed the kids and the overdue library books into the van, and headed off to have some more indoor McFun.
The first McDonald's we drove by was way too packed, and there were some Dreaded Big Kids there, and they were climbing on the *outside* of the PlayPlace, too, so we just went through the drive-through for some McFood to eat on the way to another less anarchistic McDonald's.
The PlayPlace closer to our house wasn't as crowded so we ventured inside. There were still more Big Kids than we would have normally liked, and they were doing Dangerous Big Kid Things, but their Lone Parents were occasionally yelling at them so it seemed safe enough.
I worked on the DIY Naturals November E-newsletter on the laptop while Daddy supervised the McPlay, and the boys had a jolly good time McClimbing, McCrawling, and McSliding.
Then, on the way home, we had the following discussion:
How cool will it be to have two more McKids in the back of the van?
What would we do if they told us they had two girls who were sisters available?
Hubby said 4 and 8 would be ideal ages.
I said 5 and 1. But I don't really want anyone in diapers.
I can't wait, and I want the kids that no one else wants.
I wonder if our kids will act out to get attention?
Any more kids than 4 and we will need another vehicle.
If this seems random it's because it's Blog One of Five for today, and I haven't had any coffee yet. But I am committed to NaBloPoMo and even though I briefly considered rolling all of my blogs into one yesterday. I think it is best to keep them as separate topics worth delving deeper into. If I were searching for a blog about becoming a foster parenting, I wouldn't want to hear the gory details of the author's reproductive life. Well, actually I would, but I'm weird.
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