Only ten days and a wake-up until Princess Tomorrow is officially our daughter! After all this time (over two and a half years), it seems so surreal but not at all anti-climactic.
I feel lighter every time I don't have to reschedule a home visit with an adoption worker or case manager, and realize that after June 16 we can travel out of state without permission. I know these are little details, but when they are all piled up being a foster parent can feel more like being an arm of the state than a parent.
I know many other little things will change for the better, but the biggest thing that will change is that Tomorrow will be OURS. She will belong to US! I don't care anymore if that sounds like we think we own her. SHE WILL FINALLY BE A MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY. She will have our last name. She will be Hammy and Moose's little sister, and the grand-daughter of six loving grandparents. Most children are born into these relationships, hers have been hard-won.
And in the end, it will have been worth every single hassle and all the days we learned to take as they came. Thank you for holding space for me on those days when I angrily fought the process. Thank you for encouraging and supporting me, reminding me that it would be worth it and that one day she would be safe with us forever. You were right, and I learned to let go A LOT and trust a little more.
Now, back to searching online for a dress I can wear to the ceremony. I've already found the perfect pink taffeta dress for Tomorrow!
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