Update: Our case is "moving right along" and "right where it should be" according to the Adoption Worker (and I know those phrases are kinda contradictory, but I just smiled).
Our case is now officially in Legal Review (yet another process, bear with us): This means that a team of crack lawyers (lawyers who can't actually practice law anymore because they did too much crack in law school) are reviewing our case, to make sure the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. No but seriously folks, this is a very good thing. It is THE final hurdle (she types for the third time about a third process) and perhaps the most important one in the overall goal of Foster-Adoption. Legal Review will ensure that no one can come back later and say that the case was mishandled or rushed, so Princess Tomorrow will grow up safe and sound in the protection of our loving family, forever and ever, amen.
Meanwhile, it turns out *I* have dropped the proverbial ball. Yes, that's right me, Pushy Momma, who is all-ways on everyone's backs making sure they are all up on their jobs. My husband (who I live with and see every single day) apparently emailed me some time ago asking me for three references who are not relatives, who have known me for a year, and would be willing to be called as a character reference for our adoption (and the sad truth is that they will most likely never call you). I have yet to gather that information but I am on it now like white on rice! (ANY VOLUNTEERS? If not, I will draft three of you...probably Heather F, Jessica P, and Kristie M. Consider yourselves warned.)
Love to all.
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