Monday, October 26, 2009

This just in!

Got a call from the Adoption Worker (just back from maternity leave, new to her part-time job, doesn't seem to know what she is doing yet...) and there is a remote possibility that we might be able to adopt Mara in November for National Adoption Day. Don't get too excited as it would depend on one case manager completing paperwork and communicating with another, but the Adoption Worker just told me if we could push it through this week, there is a chance we could adopt her then.

This is the first time anyone has told me exactly what we are waiting on: Subsidy Paperwork. Like we care how much money they are going to give us! It won't be anywhere near the monthly stipend (that they cut every six months or so when she is doing well) so who cares? Why does it even matter. Isn't it a detail that can be finalized afterward? And is that really all that holds up adoptions like ours? One person calling another person and telling them what they need? This is just more proof that these "Social Workers" know damn good and well that there jobs depend on the system crawling due to lost paperwork and postponed court dates and meetings, et cetera. I know that probably sounds very cynical, but I have seen it firsthand and it is more common than not. I wish it weren't true and I doubt it will ever change.

We would gladly forego getting another dime for fostering or adopting her if it meant we could adopt her "free and clear". I hope it doesn't sound like I am talking about anything less than taking on the emotional, financial and physical responsibility for a person. This isn't just a "hoop to jump through" as the worker said, this is nothing less than a soul we want to save. We desperately need to be deemed her forever family, for the safety and well-being of our daughter. Because she is already our daughter, whether the state recognizes it or not, but it will feel really good for it to be official.

That's all I have.

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