Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hairdo Issues

Many folk think white mommies can't do black hair. I say it ain't so.

The above pix are from my first attempt at doing Tomorrow's hair. I think the look on her face says it all. She did not enjoy the process AT ALL. And I don't think her hair is long enough to put in barrettes anyway so I won't torture her again until it's quite a bit longer. It looks so cute when I just wet it & "bump it up" with my fingers into an adorable little 'fro of ringlets anyway.

Last night, the foster mother of Tomorrow's four- and seven-year-old sisters, whom I shall call "Fara", told me that when we meet up at the mall, she'll teach me how to do Baby Grrl's hair.

We'll see if she calls me. I've given her my number but she hasn't given me hers.


Taueret said...

I think you did okay! xx hope

Unknown said...

My DH and I are going into foster to adopt and my biggest fear is hair...not just black hair but hair in general...I'm clueless! You did good!

Jessa Fee said...

awww...thanks ladies!
lyn~ i had been scratching my head, trying to finger out how to reply to your question on the mei tai...guess this is how!

the babyhawk is recommended up to 40 lbs. i checked the FAQ's on the babyhawk site to be sure, here: http://www.babyhawk.com/Policies/#faq2

however, as with so many things your mileage may vary {YMMY} maybe depending on your baby/child's build, your build, et cetera.

i wore ds2 {35 lbs} *briefly* in it @ a birthday party & it was okay. i was glad when he said he wanted out after a few minutes! i could have done it if it were an emergency, but i also have severe osteoarthritis especially in my neck & lower back so i wouldn't do it unless i had to.

nonetheless, mt's are great for newborns through toddlers ~ usually, until they outgrow the to be carried. and i like that they are soft, there are no byckles or anything that might bind/pinch/poke/snap or crack & break *and* they fold up small enough to fit into the backpack/dipey bag! yay!

hope that helps.

nice to meet you, lyn. jesa

Jessa Fee said...

hey lyn, today i've been thinking about why we worry so much about doing the hair & i honestly think it's because that's the only reason anyone can come up with for why i could possibly be a less-than-ideal momma to my brown-skinned foster daughter, so it gets milked for all it's worth. it's hogwash, really. iirc, there is a book that even talks about this stigma! i will look through my old issues of brain, child magazine for the book title. mj