"Have J____ make three pictures in her mind, one at a time: the first of herself holding her baby girl immediately after she's adopted; the second an image of playing with her little girl at about 5 or 6 years old; and the third an image of J____ helping her grown-up daughter as she gets married.
As J____ plays each picture in her mind, have her say a statement of what she wants along with each one.
For example: I WANT to adopt M____. I WANT to raise my little girl to be happy and playful. I WANT to see my daughter married and living happily ever after.
Do not let J____ fuss over the details of how all this is going to happen, just tell her to make a picture in her mind and tell God what she wants. Can't be done too often and notice that there is no mention of the courts in any of this. The termination is not J____'s job. Her job is to give love to that little baby girl and raise her to the beautiful woman she is meant to be. God and Reiki WILL take care of the courts!"
I ask you to do this along with me.